from ..client.exceptions import ParamError
from .utils import (
from .types import IndexType
[docs]class TableSchema:
def __init__(self, table_name, dimension, index_file_size, metric_type):
Table Schema
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: (Required) name of table
`IndexType`: 0-invalid, 1-flat, 2-ivflat, 3-IVF_SQ8, 4-MIX_NSG
:type dimension: int64
:param dimension: (Required) dimension of vector
:type index_file_size: int64
:param index_file_size: (Optional) max size of files which store index
:type metric_type: MetricType
:param metric_type: (Optional) vectors metric type
`MetricType`: 1-L2, 2-IP
check_pass_param(table_name=table_name, dimension=dimension,
index_file_size=index_file_size, metric_type=metric_type)
self.table_name = table_name
self.dimension = dimension
self.index_file_size = index_file_size
self.metric_type = metric_type
def __repr__(self):
attr_list = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items()]
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(attr_list))
[docs]class Range:
Range information
:type start_date: str, date or datetime
`str should be YY-MM-DD format, e.g. "2019-07-01"`
:param start_date: Range start date
:type end_date: str, date or datetime
`str should be YY-MM-DD format, e.g. "2019-07-01"`
:param end_date: Range end date
def __init__(self, start_date, end_date):
start_date = parser_range_date(start_date)
end_date = parser_range_date(end_date)
if is_legal_date_range(start_date, end_date):
self.start_date = start_date
self.end_date = end_date
raise ParamError("The start-date should be smaller"
" than or equal to end-date!")
[docs]class QueryResult:
def __init__(self, _id, _distance): = _id
self.distance = _distance
def __str__(self):
return "Result(id={}, distance={})".format(, self.distance)
[docs]class RowQueryResult:
def __init__(self, _id_list, _dis_list):
self._id_list = _id_list or []
self._dis_list = _dis_list or []
# Iterator index
self.__index = 0
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
_start = item.start or 0
_end = item.stop or self.__len__()
_step = item.step or 1
elements = []
for i in range(_start, _end, _step):
return elements
return QueryResult(self._id_list[item], self._dis_list[item])
def __len__(self):
return len(self._id_list)
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
while self.__index < self.__len__():
self.__index += 1
return self.__getitem__(self.__index - 1)
# iterate stop, raise Exception
self.__index = 0
raise StopIteration()
[docs]class TopKQueryResult:
TopK query results, shown as 2-D array
This Class unpack response from server, store ids and distances separately.
def __init__(self, raw_source, **kwargs):
self._raw = raw_source
self._nq = 0
self._topk = 0
self._id_array = []
self._dis_array = []
self.__index = 0
def _unpack(self, _raw):
self._nq = _raw.row_num
if self._nq == 0:
id_list = list(_raw.ids)
id_col = len(id_list) // self._nq
for i in range(0, len(id_list), id_col):
self._id_array.append(id_list[i: i + id_col])
dis_list = list(_raw.distances)
dis_col = len(dis_list) // self._nq
for j in range(0, len(dis_list), dis_col):
self._dis_array.append(dis_list[j: j + dis_col])
if len(self._id_array) != self._nq or \
len(self._dis_array) != self._nq:
raise ParamError("Result parse error.")
if id_col != dis_col:
raise ParamError("Result parse error.")
self._topk = id_col
def id_array(self):
Id array, it's a 2-D array.
return self._id_array
def distance_array(self):
Distance array, it's a 2-D array
return self._dis_array
def shape(self):
getter. return result shape, format as (row, column).
return self._nq, self._topk
def raw(self):
getter. return the raw result response
return self._raw
def __len__(self):
return self._nq
def __getitem__(self, item):
if isinstance(item, slice):
_start = item.start or 0
_end = item.stop or self.__len__()
_step = item.step or 1
elements = []
for i in range(_start, _end, _step):
return elements
return RowQueryResult(self._id_array[item], self._dis_array[item])
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
while self.__index < self.__len__():
self.__index += 1
return self.__getitem__(self.__index - 1)
# iterate stop, raise Exception
self.__index = 0
raise StopIteration()
def __repr__(self):
lam = lambda x: "(id:{}, distance:{})".format(, x.distance)
if self.__len__() > 5:
middle = ''
ll = self[:3]
for topk in ll:
middle = middle + " [ %s" % ",\n ".join(map(lam, topk[:3]))
middle += ",\n ..."
middle += "\n %s ]\n\n" % lam(topk[-1])
spaces = """ ......
ahead = "[\n%s%s\n]" % (middle, spaces)
return ahead
# self.__len__() < 5
str_out_list = []
for i in range(self.__len__()):
str_out_list.append("[\n%s\n]" % ",\n".join(map(lam, self[i])))
return "[\n%s\n]" % ",\n".join(str_out_list)
[docs]class IndexParam:
Index Param
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: (Required) name of table
:type index_type: IndexType
:param index_type: (Required) index type, default = IndexType.INVALID
`IndexType`: 0-invalid, 1-flat, 2-ivflat, 3-IVF_SQ8, 4-MIX_NSG
:type nlist: int64
:param nlist: (Required) num of cell
def __init__(self, table_name, index_type, nlist):
if table_name is None:
raise ParamError('Table name can\'t be None')
table_name = str(table_name) if not isinstance(table_name, str) else table_name
if isinstance(index_type, int):
index_type = IndexType(index_type)
if not isinstance(index_type, IndexType) or index_type == IndexType.INVALID:
raise ParamError('Illegal index_type, should be IndexType but not IndexType.INVALID')
self._table_name = table_name
self._index_type = index_type
self._nlist = nlist
def __str__(self):
attr_list = ['%s=%r' % (key.lstrip('_'), value)
for key, value in self.__dict__.items()]
return '(%s)' % (', '.join(attr_list))
def __repr__(self):
attr_list = ['%s=%r' % (key, value)
for key, value in self.__dict__.items()]
return '%s(%s)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(attr_list))
def _abstract():
raise NotImplementedError('You need to override this function')
[docs]class ConnectIntf:
"""SDK client abstract class
Connection is a abstract class
[docs] def connect(self, host, port, uri, timeout):
Connect method should be called before any operations
Server will be connected after connect return OK
Should be implemented
:type host: str
:param host: host
:type port: str
:param port: port
:type uri: str
:param uri: (Optional) uri
:type timeout: int
:param timeout:
:return: Status, indicate if connect is successful
[docs] def connected(self):
connected, connection status
Should be implemented
:return: Status, indicate if connect is successful
[docs] def disconnect(self):
Disconnect, server will be disconnected after disconnect return SUCCESS
Should be implemented
:return: Status, indicate if connect is successful
[docs] def create_table(self, param, timeout):
Create table
Should be implemented
:type param: TableSchema
:param param: provide table information to be created
:type timeout: int
:param timeout:
:return: Status, indicate if connect is successful
[docs] def has_table(self, table_name, timeout):
This method is used to test table existence.
Should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: table name is going to be tested.
:type timeout: int
:param timeout:
has_table: bool, if given table_name exists
[docs] def delete_table(self, table_name, timeout):
Delete table
Should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: table_name of the deleting table
:type timeout: int
:param timeout:
:return: Status, indicate if connect is successful
[docs] def add_vectors(self, table_name, records, ids, timeout, **kwargs):
Add vectors to table
Should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: table name been inserted
:type records: list[RowRecord]
:param records: list of vectors been inserted
:type ids: list[int]
:param ids: list of ids
:type timeout: int
:param timeout:
Status : indicate if vectors inserted successfully
ids :list of id, after inserted every vector is given a id
[docs] def search_vectors(self, table_name, top_k, nprobe, query_records, query_ranges, **kwargs):
Query vectors in a table
Should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: table name been queried
:type query_records: list[RowRecord]
:param query_records: all vectors going to be queried
:type query_ranges: list[Range]
:param query_ranges: Optional ranges for conditional search.
If not specified, search whole table
:type top_k: int
:param top_k: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if query is successful
query_results: list[TopKQueryResult]
[docs] def search_vectors_in_files(self, table_name, file_ids, query_records,
top_k, nprobe, query_ranges, **kwargs):
Query vectors in a table, query vector in specified files
Should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: table name been queried
:type file_ids: list[str]
:param file_ids: Specified files id array
:type query_records: list[RowRecord]
:param query_records: all vectors going to be queried
:type query_ranges: list[Range]
:param query_ranges: Optional ranges for conditional search.
If not specified, search whole table
:type top_k: int
:param top_k: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if query is successful
query_results: list[TopKQueryResult]
[docs] def describe_table(self, table_name, timeout):
Show table information
Should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: which table to be shown
:type timeout: int
:param timeout:
Status: indicate if query is successful
table_schema: TableSchema, given when operation is successful
[docs] def get_table_row_count(self, table_name, timeout):
Get table row count
Should be implemented
:type table_name, str
:param table_name, target table name.
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if operation is successful
count: int, table row count
[docs] def show_tables(self, timeout):
Show all tables in database
should be implemented
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if this operation is successful
tables: list[str], list of table names
[docs] def create_index(self, table_name, index, timeout):
Create specified index in a table
should be implemented
:type table_name: str
:param table_name: table name
:type index: dict
:param index: index information dict
example: index = {
"index_type": IndexType.FLAT,
"nlist": 18384
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if this operation is successful
:rtype: Status
[docs] def client_version(self):
Provide client version
should be implemented
Status: indicate if operation is successful
str : Client version
:rtype: (Status, str)
[docs] def server_version(self, timeout):
Provide server version
should be implemented
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if operation is successful
str : Server version
:rtype: (Status, str)
[docs] def server_status(self, timeout):
Provide server status. When cmd !='version', provide 'OK'
should be implemented
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if operation is successful
str : Server version
:rtype: (Status, str)
[docs] def preload_table(self, table_name, timeout):
load table to memory cache in advance
should be implemented
:param table_name: target table name.
:type table_name: str
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if operation is successful
::rtype: Status
[docs] def describe_index(self, table_name, timeout):
Show index information
should be implemented
:param table_name: target table name.
:type table_name: str
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if operation is successful
TableSchema: table detail information
:rtype: (Status, TableSchema)
[docs] def drop_index(self, table_name, timeout):
Show index information
should be implemented
:param table_name: target table name.
:type table_name: str
:type timeout: int
:param timeout: how many similar vectors will be searched
Status: indicate if operation is successful
::rtype: Status