Source code for milvus.client.grpc_client

from urllib.parse import urlparse
import logging

import grpc
from grpc._cython import cygrpc

from ..grpc_gen import milvus_pb2_grpc
from ..grpc_gen import milvus_pb2 as grpc_types
from .abstract import ConnectIntf, TableSchema, IndexParam, PartitionParam
from .prepare import Prepare
from .types import IndexType, MetricType, Status
from .check import (

from .hooks import BaseSearchHook
from .client_hooks import SearchHook
from .exceptions import ParamError, NotConnectError
from ..settings import DefaultConfig as config
from . import __version__

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class GrpcMilvus(ConnectIntf): def __init__(self, host=None, port=None, **kwargs): self._channel = None self._stub = None self._uri = None self.status = None # client hook self._search_hook = SearchHook() self._search_file_hook = SearchHook() # set server uri if object is initialized with parameter _uri = kwargs.get("uri", None) _ = (host or port or _uri) and self._set_uri(host, port, uri=_uri) def __str__(self): attr_list = ['%s=%r' % (key, value) for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if not key.startswith('_')] return '<Milvus: {}>'.format(', '.join(attr_list)) def __enter__(self): self._setup() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): del self._channel del self._stub def _setup(self): """ Create a grpc channel and a stub :raises: NotConnectError """ if not self._channel: self._set_channel() try: # check if server is ready grpc.channel_ready_future(self._channel).result(timeout=1) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError: del self._channel raise NotConnectError('Fail connecting to server on {}. Timeout'.format(self._uri)) except grpc.RpcError as e: del self._channel raise NotConnectError("Connect error: <{}>".format(e)) # Unexpected error except Exception as e: raise NotConnectError("Error occurred when trying to connect server:\n" "\t<{}>".format(str(e))) self._stub = milvus_pb2_grpc.MilvusServiceStub(self._channel) self.status = Status() def _set_uri(self, host, port, **kwargs): """ Set server network address :raises: ParamError """ if host is not None: _port = port if port is not None else config.GRPC_PORT _host = host elif port is None: try: _uri = kwargs.get("uri", None) # Ignore uri check here # if not is_legal_uri(_uri): # raise ParamError("uri {} is illegal".format(_uri)) # # If uri is empty (None or '') use default uri instead # (the behavior may change in the future) # _uri = urlparse(_uri) if _uri is not None else urlparse(config.GRPC_URI) _uri = urlparse(_uri) if _uri else urlparse(config.GRPC_URI) _host = _uri.hostname _port = _uri.port except (AttributeError, ValueError, TypeError) as e: raise ParamError("uri is illegal: {}".format(e)) else: raise ParamError("Param is not complete. Please invoke as follow:\n" "\t(host = ${HOST}, port = ${PORT})\n" "\t(uri = ${URI})\n") if not is_legal_host(_host) or not is_legal_port(_port): raise ParamError("host or port is illeagl") self._uri = "{}:{}".format(str(_host), str(_port)) def _set_channel(self): """ Set grpc channel. Use default server uri if uri is not set. """ if self._channel: del self._channel # set transport unlimited self._channel = grpc.insecure_channel( self._uri or config.GRPC_ADDRESS, options=[(cygrpc.ChannelArgKey.max_send_message_length, -1), (cygrpc.ChannelArgKey.max_receive_message_length, -1)] )
[docs] def set_hook(self, **kwargs): """ specify client hooks. The client hooks are used in methods which interact with server. Use key-value method to set hooks. Supported hook setting currently is as follow. search hook, search-in-file hook """ # config search hook _search_hook = kwargs.get('search', None) if _search_hook: if not isinstance(_search_hook, BaseSearchHook): raise ParamError("search hook must be a subclass of `BaseSearchHook`") self._search_hook = _search_hook _search_file_hook = kwargs.get('search_in_file', None) if _search_file_hook: if not isinstance(_search_file_hook, BaseSearchHook): raise ParamError("search hook must be a subclass of `BaseSearchHook`") self._search_file_hook = _search_file_hook
@property def server_address(self): """ Server network address """ return self._uri
[docs] def connect(self, host=None, port=None, uri=None, timeout=1): """ Connect method should be called before any operations. Server will be connected after connect return OK :type host: str :type port: str :type uri: str :type timeout: float :param host: (Optional) host of the server, default host is :param port: (Optional) port of the server, default port is 19530 :param uri: (Optional) only support tcp proto now, default uri is `tcp://` :param timeout: (Optional) connection timeout, default timeout is 3000ms :return: Status, indicate if connect is successful :rtype: Status :raises: NotConnectError """ if self.connected(): return Status(message="You have already connected!", code=Status.CONNECT_FAILED) # TODO: Here may cause bug: IF user has already connected a server but server is down, # client may connect to a new server. It's a undesirable behavior. if self._channel: del self._channel self._channel = None # Here may a bug: # if self._ui: # not self._uri and self._set_uri(host, port, uri=uri) self._set_uri(host, port, uri=uri) self._set_channel() try: # check if server is ready grpc.channel_ready_future(self._channel).result(timeout=timeout) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError: del self._channel self._channel = None raise NotConnectError('Fail connecting to server on {}. Timeout'.format(self._uri)) except grpc.RpcError as e: del self._channel self._channel = None raise NotConnectError("Connect error: <{}>".format(e)) # Unexpected error except Exception as e: raise NotConnectError("Error occurred when trying to connect server:\n" "\t<{}>".format(str(e))) self._stub = milvus_pb2_grpc.MilvusServiceStub(self._channel) self.status = Status() return self.status
[docs] def connected(self): """ Check if client is connected to the server :return: if client is connected :rtype: bool """ if not self._stub or not self._channel: return False try: grpc.channel_ready_future(self._channel).result(timeout=2) return True except (grpc.FutureTimeoutError, grpc.RpcError): return False
[docs] def disconnect(self): """ Disconnect with the server and distroy the channel :return: Status, indicate if disconnect is successful :rtype: Status """ # After closeing, a exception stack trace is printed from a background thread and # no exception is thrown in the main thread, issue is under test and not done yet # checkout # Also checkout Properly Specify Channel.close Behavior in Python: # if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first!') # closing channel by calling interface close() will result in grpc interval error del self._channel # try: # self._channel.close() # except Exception as e: # LOGGER.error(e) # return Status(code=Status.CONNECT_FAILED, message='Disconnection failed') self.status = None self._channel = None self._stub = None return Status(message='Disconnect successfully')
[docs] def client_version(self): """ Provide client version :return: version: Client version :rtype: (str) """ return __version__
[docs] def server_version(self, timeout=10): """ Provide server version :return: Status: indicate if operation is successful str : Server version :rtype: (Status, str) """ return self._cmd(cmd='version', timeout=timeout)
[docs] def server_status(self, timeout=10): """ Provide server status :return: Status: indicate if operation is successful str : Server version :rtype: (Status, str) """ return self._cmd(cmd='OK', timeout=timeout)
def _cmd(self, cmd, timeout=10): if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') cmd = Prepare.cmd(cmd) try: response = self._stub.Cmd.future(cmd).result(timeout=timeout) if response.status.error_code == 0: return Status(message='Success!'), response.string_reply return Status(code=response.status.error_code, message=response.status.reason), None except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout'), None except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), None
[docs] def create_table(self, param, timeout=10): """ Create table :type param: dict or TableSchema :param param: Provide table information to be created `example param={'table_name': 'name', 'dimension': 16, 'index_file_size': 1024 (default), 'metric_type': Metric_type.L2 (default) }` `OR using Prepare.table_schema to create param` :param timeout: timeout, The unit is seconds :type timeout: double :return: Status, indicate if operation is successful :rtype: Status """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_schema = Prepare.table_schema(param) try: status = self._stub.CreateTable.future(table_schema).result(timeout=timeout) if status.error_code == 0: return Status(message='Create table successfully!') LOGGER.error(status) return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout') except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred: {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def has_table(self, table_name, timeout=10): """ This method is used to test table existence. :param table_name: table name is going to be tested. :type table_name: str :param timeout: time waiting for server response :type timeout: int :return: Status: indicate if vectors inserted successfully bool if given table_name exists """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: reply = self._stub.HasTable.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) if reply.status.error_code == 0: return Status(), reply.bool_reply return Status(code=reply.status.error_code, message=reply.status.reason), False except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message="request timeout"), False except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=e.code(), message=e.details()), False
[docs] def describe_table(self, table_name, timeout=10): """ Show table information :type table_name: str :param table_name: which table to be shown :returns: (Status, table_schema) Status: indicate if query is successful table_schema: return when operation is successful :rtype: (Status, TableSchema) """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: response = self._stub.DescribeTable.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) if response.status.error_code == 0: table = TableSchema( table_name=response.table_name, dimension=response.dimension, index_file_size=response.index_file_size, metric_type=MetricType(response.metric_type) ) return Status(message='Describe table successfully!'), table LOGGER.error(response.status) return Status(code=response.status.error_code, message=response.status.reason), None except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout'), None except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), None
[docs] def count_table(self, table_name, timeout=30): """ obtain vector number in table :type table_name: str :param table_name: target table name. :returns: Status: indicate if operation is successful res: int, table row count """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: response = self._stub.CountTable.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) if response.status.error_code == 0: return Status(message='Success!'), response.table_row_count return Status(code=response.status.error_code, message=response.status.reason), None except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout'), None except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), None
[docs] def show_tables(self, timeout=10): """ Show all tables information in database :return: Status: indicate if this operation is successful tables: list of table names, return when operation is successful :rtype: (Status, list[str]) """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') cmd = Prepare.cmd('show_tables') try: response = self._stub.ShowTables.future(cmd).result(timeout=timeout) if response.status.error_code == 0: return Status(message='Show tables successfully!'), \ [name for name in response.table_names if len(name) > 0] return Status(response.status.error_code, message=response.status.reason), [] except grpc.FutureTimeoutError: return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message="Request timeout"), [] except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), []
[docs] def preload_table(self, table_name, timeout=None): """ Load table to cache in advance :type table_name: str :param table_name: table to preload :returns: Status: indicate if invoke is successful """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: status = self._stub.PreloadTable.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout') except grpc.RpcError as e: return Status(code=e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def drop_table(self, table_name, timeout=20): """ Delete table with table_name :type table_name: str :param table_name: Name of the table being deleted :return: Status, indicate if operation is successful :rtype: Status """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: status = self._stub.DropTable.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) if status.error_code == 0: return Status(message='Delete table successfully!') return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout') except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred: {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def insert(self, table_name, records, ids=None, partition_tag=None, timeout=-1, **kwargs): """ Add vectors to table :param ids: list of id :type ids: list[int] :type table_name: str :param table_name: table name been inserted :type records: list[list[float]] `example records: [[1.2345],[1.2345]]` `OR using Prepare.records` :param records: list of vectors been inserted :type partition_tag: str or None. If partition_tag is None, vectors will be inserted into table rather than partitions. :param partition_tag: the tag string of table :type :type timeout: int :param timeout: time waiting for server response :returns: Status: indicate if vectors inserted successfully ids: list of id, after inserted every vector is given a id :rtype: (Status, list(int)) """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') insert_param = kwargs.get('insert_param', None) if not insert_param: insert_param = Prepare.insert_param(table_name, records, partition_tag, ids) else: if not isinstance(insert_param, grpc_types.InsertParam): raise ParamError("The value of key 'insert_param' is invalid") try: if timeout == -1: vector_ids = self._stub.Insert(insert_param) else: vector_ids = self._stub.Insert.future(insert_param).result(timeout=timeout) if vector_ids.status.error_code == 0: ids = list(vector_ids.vector_id_array) return Status(message='Add vectors successfully!'), ids return Status(code=vector_ids.status.error_code, message=vector_ids.status.reason), [] except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), [] except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message="Request timeout"), []
[docs] def create_index(self, table_name, index=None, timeout=-1): """ build vectors of specific table and create vector index :param table_name: table used to crete index. :type table_name: str :param index: index params :type index: dict index_param can be None `example (default) param={'index_type': IndexType.FLAT, 'nlist': 16384}` :param timeout: grpc request timeout. if `timeout` = -1, method invoke a synchronous call, waiting util grpc response else method invoke a asynchronous call, timeout work here :type timeout: int :return: Status, indicate if operation is successful """ index_default = { 'index_type': IndexType.FLAT, 'nlist': 16384 } if not index: _index = index_default elif not isinstance(index, dict): raise ParamError("param `index` should be a dictionary") else: _index = index if index.get('index_type', None) is None: _index.update({'index_type': IndexType.FLAT}) if index.get('nlist', None) is None: _index.update({'nlist': 16384}) if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') index_param = Prepare.index_param(table_name, _index) try: if timeout == -1: status = self._stub.CreateIndex(index_param) elif timeout < 0: raise ParamError("Param `timeout` should be a positive number or -1") else: try: status = self._stub.CreateIndex.future(index_param).result(timeout=timeout) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout') if status.error_code == 0: return Status(message='Build index successfully!') return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason) except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def describe_index(self, table_name, timeout=10): """ Show index information of designated table :type table_name: str :param table_name: table name been queried :returns: Status: indicate if query is successful IndexSchema: """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: index_param = self._stub.DescribeIndex.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) status = index_param.status if status.error_code == 0: return Status(message="Successfully"), \ IndexParam(index_param.table_name, index_param.index.index_type, index_param.index.nlist) return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason), None except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout'), None except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), None
[docs] def drop_index(self, table_name, timeout=10): """ drop index from index file :param table_name: target table name. :type table_name: str :return: Status: indicate if operation is successful ::rtype: Status """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') table_name = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: status = self._stub.DropIndex.future(table_name).result(timeout=timeout) return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout') except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def create_partition(self, table_name, partition_name, partition_tag, timeout=10): """ create a specific partition under designated table. After done, the meta file in milvus server update partition information, you can perform actions about partitions with partition tag. :param table_name: target table name. :type table_name: str :param partition_name: name of target partition under designated table. :type partition_name: str :param partition_tag: tag name of target partition under designated table. :type partition_tag: str :param timeout: time waiting for response. :type timeout: int :return: Status: indicate if operation is successful """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') request = Prepare.partition_param(table_name, partition_name, partition_tag) try: response = self._stub.CreatePartition.future(request).result(timeout=timeout) return Status(code=response.error_code, message=response.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout.') except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def show_partitions(self, table_name, timeout=10): """ Show all partitions under designated table. :param table_name: target table name. :type table_name: str :param timeout: time waiting for response. :type timeout: int :return: Status: indicate if operation is successful partition_list: """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') request = Prepare.table_name(table_name) try: response = self._stub.ShowPartitions.future(request).result(timeout=timeout) status = response.status if status.error_code == 0: partition_list = [] for partition in response.partition_array: partition_param = PartitionParam( partition.table_name, partition.partition_name, partition.tag ) partition_list.append(partition_param) return Status(), partition_list return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason), [] except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message="request timeout"), [] except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())), []
[docs] def drop_partition(self, table_name, partition_tag, timeout=10): """ Drop specific partition under designated table. :param table_name: target table name. :type table_name: str :param partition_tag: tag name of specific partition :type partition_tag: str :param timeout: time waiting for response. :type timeout: int :return: Status: indicate if operation is successful """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') request = Prepare.partition_param( table_name=table_name, partition_name=None, tag=partition_tag) try: response = self._stub.DropPartition.future(request).result(timeout=timeout) return Status(code=response.error_code, message=response.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(code=Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message="request timeout") except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details()))
[docs] def search(self, table_name, top_k, nprobe, query_records, query_ranges=None, partition_tags=None, **kwargs): """ Search similar vectors in designated table :param table_name: target table name :type table_name: str :param top_k: number of vertors which is most similar with query vectors :type top_k: int :param nprobe: cell number of probe :type nprobe: int :param query_records: vectors to query :type query_records: list[list[float32]] :param query_ranges: query data range :type query_ranges: list :param partition_tags: tags to search :type partition_tags: list :return Status: indicate if search successfully result: query result :rtype: (Status, TopKQueryResult) """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') request = Prepare.search_param( table_name, top_k, nprobe, query_records, query_ranges, partition_tags ) try: self._search_hook.pre_search() response = self._stub.Search(request) self._search_hook.aft_search() if self._search_hook.on_response(): return response if response.status.error_code != 0: return Status(code=response.status.error_code, message=response.status.reason), [] resutls = self._search_hook.handle_response(response) return Status(message='Search vectors successfully!'), resutls except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) status = Status(code=e.code(), message='Error occurred: {}'.format(e.details())) return status, []
[docs] def search_in_files(self, table_name, file_ids, query_records, top_k, nprobe=16, query_ranges=None, **kwargs): """ Query vectors in a table, in specified files. The server store vector data into multiple files if the size of vectors exceeds file size threshold. It is supported to search in several files by specifying file ids. However, these file ids are stored in db in server, and python sdk doesn't apply any APIs get them at client. It's a specific method used in shards. Obtain more detail about milvus shards, see <a href=""> :type nprobe: int :param nprobe: :type table_name: str :param table_name: table name been queried :type file_ids: list[str] or list[int] :param file_ids: Specified files id array :type query_records: list[list[float]] :param query_records: all vectors going to be queried :param query_ranges: Optional ranges for conditional search. If not specified, search in the whole table :type top_k: int :param top_k: how many similar vectors will be searched :returns: Status: indicate if query is successful results: query result :rtype: (Status, TopKQueryResult) """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') file_ids = list(map(int_or_str, file_ids)) infos = Prepare.search_vector_in_files_param( table_name, query_records, query_ranges, top_k, nprobe, file_ids ) try: self._search_file_hook.pre_search() response = self._stub.SearchInFiles(infos) self._search_file_hook.aft_search() if self._search_file_hook.on_response(): return response if response.status.error_code != 0: return Status(code=response.status.error_code, message=response.status.reason), [] return Status(message='Search vectors successfully!'), \ self._search_file_hook.handle_response(response) except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) status = Status(code=e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())) return status, []
def __delete_vectors_by_range(self, table_name, start_date=None, end_date=None, timeout=10): """ Delete vectors by range. The data range contains start_time but not end_time This method is deprecated, not recommended for users. This API is deprecated. :type table_name: str :param table_name: str, date, datetime :type start_date: str, date, datetime :param start_date: :type end_date: str, date, datetime :param end_date: :return: Status: indicate if invoke is successful """ if not self.connected(): raise NotConnectError('Please connect to the server first') delete_range = Prepare.delete_param(table_name, start_date, end_date) try: status = self._stub.DeleteByDate.future(delete_range).result(timeout=timeout) return Status(code=status.error_code, message=status.reason) except grpc.FutureTimeoutError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(Status.UNEXPECTED_ERROR, message='Request timeout') except grpc.RpcError as e: LOGGER.error(e) return Status(e.code(), message='Error occurred. {}'.format(e.details())) # In old version of pymilvus, some methods are different from the new. # apply alternative method name for compatibility get_table_row_count = count_table delete_table = drop_table add_vectors = insert search_vectors = search search_vectors_in_files = search_in_files