Inspired by ElasticSearch, Milvus provides a Query DSL(Domain Specific Language) consisting of two types of clauses to define queries:

Leaf query clauses

Leaf query clauses look for a particular value in a particular field. Currently milvus support term, range, vector queries.

  • term: term query matches the entities whose specified field value are in the specified list. The format is "term": {"$field": [$value1, $value2, ...]}

  • range: range query matches the entities whose specified field value are under the specified range. The format is "range": {"$field": {"$range-type": $value1 ... }}. The supported range types are:

    • "GT"(greater than)

    • "GTE"(greater than or equal)

    • "LT"(less than)

    • "LTE"(less than or equal).

  • vector: vector query only takes effect on vector fields, and approximately search nearest vectors. The format should be {"topk": $topk, "query": $vectors, "params": {...}, "metric_type": $metric}.

    Here, "topk" is the number of approximately nearest top-k entities for each query vector. "query" is a list of query vectors. "params" is search parameters, and "metric_type" indicates which distance computation type to be used. "metric_type" is not necessary if it is specified when creating index.

Note that, the term and range query act as filter queries for vector query, they are pre-filtered.

Compound query clauses

Currently, milvus only support boolean query, i.e. bool. There are three types:

Types | Description


The clause must appear in matching entities


The clause must not appear in matching entities


At least one query in the clause must appear in matching entities


Here are some examples:

  • Example 1

    "bool": {
                "term": {"A": [1, 2, 5]}
                "range": {"B": {"GT": 1, "LT": 100}}
                "vector": {
                   "Vec": {"topk": 10, "query": [[0.1, 0.2]], "metric_type": "L2", "params": {"nprobe": 10}}

In this example, client wants to match the results which must be satisfied with:

  • field "A" value is in the set {1, 2, 5};

  • field "B" value is in the range of (1, 100)

For each query vector, the results are sorted by distance in descending order.


The dsl clause abide by the follow rules:

  • vector query cannot belong must and must_not. The follow clauses are not permitted:

# This is an invalid clause because `vector` is under `should`
   "should": {
      "vector": {...},
# This is an invalid clause because `vector` is under `must_not`
   "must_not": {
      "vector": {...},
  • bool query cannot have a should or must_not clause directly. The follow clauses are not permitted:

# This is an invalid clause because `should` is under `bool`
   "bool": {
      "should": {...}
# This is an invalid clause because `must_not` is under `bool`
   "bool": {
      "must_not": {...}
  • a leaf query cannot combine with compound query in the same clause. The follow clause is not permitted:

# This is an invalid clause because `must` is side by side with `term`
   "bool": {
      "must": {...},
      "term": {...}
  • The whole clause must and can only contain a vector query. The follow clauses are not permitted:

# This is an invalid clause because `vector` not exists.
   "bool": {
      "must": {
         "term": {...},
         "range": {...}